Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Making a Confident Woman

From Vol. 1 Iss. 1: Looking Your Best with Radical Beauty

There are three tips on increasing self-confidence. First, you must feel good about what you do. When you combine what you do best with what you love to do, you will feel great about it, thus, giving you an extraordinary amount of confidence! Answer this question for me: what am I good at? Are you a good cook? Do you relate to children well? Have you found yourself being called on for advice? Are you athletic? Are you exceptionally organized? Do you love school, volunteering, or reading and writing? Do you love the outdoors or indoors? Do you like traveling or staying at home? Whatever it is that you love and are good at, do it! That is the combination to achieving confidence. If you are unsure about what you are good at, ask God and He will tell you! Ask it, believe the answer is coming, and get ready to receive it.

Secondly, love the skin you’re in. God gave you your skin for a reason. Is it more pail than you would like? Do you want fewer freckles? Do you wish your hair was longer, thicker, or fuller? Do you wish your eyes were a different color? Do you wish you were small boned instead of big boned? Do you wish you didn't have stretch marks, birthmarks, or a scar? Do you wish your lips were fuller, or your ears weren't as big, or your eyes were bigger, or you're nose wasn't as pointy as it is, or your cheekbones were higher, or… Well, guess what? Those stretch marks and scars are your wisdom. They are your mark of life.

God gave you that face, that body, that nose, those lips, those ears, eyes, hands, and feet for a reason. Why? To fulfill your destiny in life and to do it with confidence - to be beautiful!

Lastly, don't ever forget: you can always improve! When you think you have reached the top, there is nowhere to go but down. When you have hit the bottom, there is nowhere to go but up.

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