Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Top 3 FAQ about Fine Lines and Wrinkes

What are Fine Lines and Wrinkles?

Fine lines and wrinkles are signs of intrinsic or chronological aging; there's no way to entirely avoid them. As we grow older, our skin becomes thinner and drier. Weakened collagen makes the skin less elastic. Static wrinkles begin to appear. The rate of intrinsic aging occurs at a variable, genetically determined rate; the process is often first noticeable between the ages of 30 and 35.

We do have control over extrinsic aging, a result of exposure to the environment. Extrinsic aging is the critical element in determining who looks older or younger than their biological age. Over-exposure to sunlight is responsible for the majority of problems associated with extrinsic aging. Sun-damaged skin is photoaged from a decrease in collagen and other dermal proteins. This gradual process results in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Over time, these can progress into deep wrinkles and furrows. Photoaging also causes pigmentary changes; "age spots" (sun-induced freckles), uneven skin tone, spider veins and dilated capillaries. A great product for sun exposure is one that is loaded with Vitamins and Minerals and protect your skin, morning and night. For only $24, you can try MDF's Antioxidant Creme. http://www.mdfcosmetics.com/

The simplest way to see the contrast between intrinsic and extrinsic aging is to compare skin commonly exposed to the sun (face, hands, neck) and skin not exposed to the sun (usually on the breasts, inner arms or buttocks).

Top 3 FAQs

What causes fine lines and wrinkles?
Fine lines and wrinkles are an unavoidable part of the aging process. As we grow older our skin becomes dryer and less elastic. Most people begin to develop fine lines and wrinkles by the age of 30 or 35. However, overexposure to the sun can greatly enhance the aging process. Sun exposure promotes the formation of deep wrinkles and furrows, along with changes in pigment and skin texture.

How can someone avoid fine lines and wrinkles?
Avoiding overexposure to the sun should be the key element of any skin care regimen. Sunscreen with an SPF of 15 should be used on the face every day. Staying out of the sun when it is at its peak (between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.) is also advisable.

Are topicals available to treat fine lines and wrinkles?
Topical application of prescription drugs, most notably synthetic derivatives of Vitamin A (retinoids), can improve the appearance of sun-damaged and aging skin. For instance, topicals can be effective in diminishing fine wrinkles. However, most tretinoins are skin irritants and often produce skin reactions.

Monday, August 23, 2010

The 7 Components of Wellness

Wellness encompasses almost every aspect of one's life. From moving and eating to religion and sexuality, one cannot be truly fullfilled without being completely well.

What is Wellness?

Wellness is the integration of mind, body and spirit. Optimal wellness allows us to achieve our goals and find meaning and purpose in our lives. Wellness combines seven dimensions of well-being into a quality way of living. Overall, wellness is the ability to live life to the fullest and to maximize personal potential in a variety of ways. Wellness involves continually learning and making changes to enhance your state of wellness. When we balance the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, occupational, spiritual, and environmental aspects of life, we achieve true wellness.

Physical: A healthy body maintained by good nutrition, regular exercise, avoiding harmful habits, making informed and responsible decisions about health, and seeking medical assistance when necessary. To remain well, physical wellness requires that you take steps to protect your physical health by eating well, getting plenty of exercise, maintaining a proper weight, getting enough sleep, avoiding risky sexual behavior, and restricting intake of harmful substances.

Intellectual: A state in which your mind is engaged in lively interaction with the world around you. This dimension of wellness implies that you can apply the things you have learned, that you create opportunities to learn more and that you engage your mind in lively interaction with the world around you.

Emotional: The ability to understand your own feelings, accept your limitations, achieve emotional stability, and become more comfortable with your emotions. Emotional wellness implies the ability to express emotions appropriately, adjust to change, cope with stress in a healthy way, and enjoy life despite its occasional disappointments and frustrations.

Social: The ability to relate well to others, both within and outside the family unit. Social wellness gives us the ease and confidence to be outgoing, friendly and affectionate towards others. It involves not only a concern for the individual, but also an interest in humanity and the environment as a whole.

Occupational: Preparing and making use of your gifts, skills and talents in order to gain purpose, happiness and enrichment in your life. Occupational wellness means successfully integrating a commitment to your occupation into a total lifestyle that is satisfying and rewarding.

Spiritual: The sense that life is meaningful and has a purpose; the ethics, values and morals that guide us and give meaning and direction to life. Spiritual wellness is a search for meaning and purpose in human existence leading you to strive for a state of harmony with yourself and others while working to balance inner needs with the rest of the world.

Environmental: The capability to live in a clean and safe environment that is not detrimental to health. To enjoy environmental wellness, we require clean air, pure water, quality food, adequate shelter, satisfactory work conditions, personal safety, and healthy relationships.

To learn more about Wellness, visit www.mdfcosmetics.com. We are always updating our site to help you stay up-to-date with the most current information.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Website, Your Questions Answered, and More!

New Website, Question & Answer Forum, and Coupons!

That's right! MDF Cosmetics has a new website full of helpful tips, product information, new services offered, ways you can join our growing team, and information on the founder and our philanthropy. We are ready to help you have that Million Dollar Face that YOU deserve! Simply go to http://www.mdfcosmetics.com/ for the above information and more!

We are also now on formspring! Formspring.me is a new social networking site that allows you to ask us questions and we will answer! Yes, you ask, we answer. It's that simply. Formspring is the newest addition to our networking tools to get you answers to your most important questions in as little time as possible. Most questions are answered in less than 5 minutes by our skin care professionals! Log on and follow us at www.formspring.me/mdfcosmetics

Don't forget about our online special for the new Honey Almond Acne Starter Kit...already forgotten? Purchase this amazing starter kit for only $12 and receive a $5 coupon good toward the purchase of any other kit! That is like getting your new acne starter kit for only $7! No where else can beat that! Order now, while supplies last!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Making a Confident Woman

From Vol. 1 Iss. 1: Looking Your Best with Radical Beauty

There are three tips on increasing self-confidence. First, you must feel good about what you do. When you combine what you do best with what you love to do, you will feel great about it, thus, giving you an extraordinary amount of confidence! Answer this question for me: what am I good at? Are you a good cook? Do you relate to children well? Have you found yourself being called on for advice? Are you athletic? Are you exceptionally organized? Do you love school, volunteering, or reading and writing? Do you love the outdoors or indoors? Do you like traveling or staying at home? Whatever it is that you love and are good at, do it! That is the combination to achieving confidence. If you are unsure about what you are good at, ask God and He will tell you! Ask it, believe the answer is coming, and get ready to receive it.

Secondly, love the skin you’re in. God gave you your skin for a reason. Is it more pail than you would like? Do you want fewer freckles? Do you wish your hair was longer, thicker, or fuller? Do you wish your eyes were a different color? Do you wish you were small boned instead of big boned? Do you wish you didn't have stretch marks, birthmarks, or a scar? Do you wish your lips were fuller, or your ears weren't as big, or your eyes were bigger, or you're nose wasn't as pointy as it is, or your cheekbones were higher, or… Well, guess what? Those stretch marks and scars are your wisdom. They are your mark of life.

God gave you that face, that body, that nose, those lips, those ears, eyes, hands, and feet for a reason. Why? To fulfill your destiny in life and to do it with confidence - to be beautiful!

Lastly, don't ever forget: you can always improve! When you think you have reached the top, there is nowhere to go but down. When you have hit the bottom, there is nowhere to go but up.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Radical Beauty

Hello Everyone and welcome to Victoria Ratliff's blog of Radical Beauty. As a woman in the 21st century, I understand the importance of "looking young." Many women and teenagers don't understand, however, that "looking young" is not obtained by using anit-aging serums, make-up, or plastic surgery. Now don't get me wrong, make-up, anti-aging serums, and an occasional correction isn't a bad thing, but just because you use these products doesn't mean you will obtain a younger look. Beauty and youth comes frm the inside. That is what Radical Beauty entails; shining from the inside out...

Keep in touch and subscribe to this blog for weekly updates on allowing your beauty to shine from the inside out!